Beer in Bottle/Can

Dogfish Seaquench Ale


Amazingly tart, refreshing crisp flavors of lime and the deeper slight bitter of black lime, a touch of salt on the tongue, a bit of malt sweetness in the finish

Koshihikari Echigo


(Translated from the Japanese on the can) We’ve used the delicious water and Koshihikari rice that Niigata’s nature has provided and made this in a German-style decoction mash. This is a dry beer with a crisp palate and finish.

Kyoto Kuromame Ale


One of the first craft beer brewers in Japan is Kizakura Co, a Kyoto-based brewery that's one of Japan's top sake producers. Kizakura started making beer back in 1995, using the same clear, pure water they've been using to make their sake.

Lone Star


Lucky Buddha


Brewed and bottled at the Qiandao Lake, China. It was introduced in July 2010, and is made from malt, hops, rice and water from this region delivering an Asian style lager. The flavor is an earthy malt with citrus features with notes of lemon, grapefruit, wheat, honey that combines together for a crisp taste.

